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Welcome to theCONTEMPORARYcapture photography blog!
I'm Jenna. Photographer and owner of

My style consists of natural light, on-location photography that uses a unique and modern/contemporary approach to portrait photography. From engagement to newborn portrait sessions, I ensure a fun, original and laid back experience every time.

If you have any questions you can visit my website at


Monday, March 28, 2011

Where have I been?

Oh... Where to start. I've been so incredibly busy that my blog is one of the things I have been neglecting. Since I've last blogged, a lot has happened. Business is picking up more and more every day and I love it. This month I considered myself a "jet setter" because I got to travel to San Jose and Colorado within a week of each other. I don't know how those traveling business men do that all the time. It seems like my body is just now getting back to normal. I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to traveling, especially if I'm flying. Not a fan.

I've have more shoots lined up and April seems to be a very busy month for me! I've been thinking about running some sort of photo session give-away, but I'm still trying to get all of the particulars down before I make the announcement. Keep checking back for more info!

Oh I almost forgot! The website has been purchased. Actually, purchased a few months ago, but it takes a lot to get that designed and organized when you are doing it all yourself. Plus, perfection makes it even more difficult. ;) I know from all of the above it doesn't sound like much has happened, but I just glanced at my clock reading 12:34a.m. and I'm spent.

Until next time,

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